Wednesday, February 24, 2016



1) Sources of power.

2) Influencing techniques

3) Contingencies of power.


As a manager, why learn about power?.

- learn how to influence our staff behavour/goals/belief so they will do what need to be done to achieve organizational goals.

POWER - CAPACITY to change others' behaviour.

INFLUENCE - ATTEMPT to change behaviour.


- 2 types : positional or personal.

1) Positional Power (ie power that comes from the job/position you are in.)

a) legitimate power. (power bestowed in the position)
b) reward power. (the power to give reward to influence behaviour/motivate people)
c) coercive power (the power to punish)

2) Personal Power (ie power arising from your character/personality/skill/talent).

a) Referent power ( power comes from the person charisma, character, talent etc)

b) Expert power ( power comes from the person's expertise, ie when we are expert in some field, others look toward us for advise, teaching, coaching to get what we want and therefore we have power over them. ie they will listen to us/follow our instruction etc.)
EXAMPLE : if you are very good in playing on line game (because instead of doing worksheet, do research, you play and practise online games during lesson or study break period), your classmates who love to play the same online games will see you "up", ask you for tips etc etc. By the nature of it, if you ask them to buy you a drink, they will. (this is raw and abuse of your expert power.)


So? : you know about power, so what?

- then think of how to increase your power (so that you can have greater influence).
- with greater influence, you can get more things done.

greater power, greater influence.



With power, we can influence staff behaviour.

Know which influencing techniques goes best with which power.

Legitimating technqiue ==> legitimate power.

Pressuring technique ==> coercive power

exchange technique ===> reward power.

Ingratiation (get the person in a good mood) ===> referent power/legitimate power

Rational technique ==> expert power.

Coalition building (get a third party help) ==>; expert/referent power.

see 6P slide 9 and 10 (influence technique)



the power we have is dependent on a few factors.

a) SUBSTITUTABILITY - substitution.

the less we can be "substitute", the more power we have.

if we are the only one who can make decision (eg grant leave, pay rise etc) we have greater power.

if beside us, there are other managers who can decide on the same issues, we have less power. (because if the staff cannot get you to approve, they can go to the other managers.)

YOu can increase your power example, by increasing your expert power, so you are not easily replaced/substitue.

B) CENTRALITY (central).

how many people are dependent on you (for direction, instructions, advise etc etc).

the more people depend on you, the more power you have.

In small companies, usually the boss have high centrality power.

The Principal has high centrality power, many decision are dependent on his approval.

The student has low centrality power (Or almost zero).

You can increase your power, by making sure many people report to you.

freedom to make decision without having to refer to another source of power or authority.

EXAMPLE : if you , as manager is able to make many decisions (eg who to go for training, or to go for the free company trip etc) without having to refer to your superior, you have greater power, because you have greater discretional decision making power.

if you have to get permission for everything your staff asked for, you have less power.
eg : you have to ask your superior if you can allow your staff to leave early (from work) or to go to toilet (joking lah), you have less power.

You can increase your power by negotiating with your boss to allow you room to make decision without refering to him. You need to gain his confidence to do so.


seen by others, staff, staff know who you are etc.

eg : A manager that constantly go around to meet his/her staff , will have higher visibility and therefore greater power.

The more visible a singer/band is (to his/her fans), the more power he/she has over the fan.

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