Saturday, June 6, 2015

L6 : Perceptual Errors

Which is longer?


- What is perceptual errors?
- Identify the 9 types of perceptual errors.
-  As a manager, how can you avoid making these errors.


Why learn this topic :

As manager, we need to be aware (self awareness) we can make such errors, identify the different type of errors so that we won't make these errors in our interaction with other people.



outcome of how we process information we received.

How we process information is affected by several factors including :

1) personality (ie Big 5)
some one with high conscientiousness may perceived things in details/absorb detailed information.

2) family upbringing

3) culture

4) race

5) nationality etc.

These influences can lead to perceptual ERRORS.

PERCEPTUAL ERRORS - not seeing reality as is.

eg : when we see a NS man not carrying his backpack , we perceived him as :

a) lazy
b) spoilt

in REALITY : he could have hurt his shoulder.

we are INFLUENCED by our cultural expectation :

those who are young (is assumed to be healthy and therefore (cultural expectation) should carry their own rucksack.


There are many types of perceptual errors :


- assigning traits to a person based on his/her belonging to a group/race/category.
- Example :

A candidate came for an interview the other day.

He has a MBA from Harvard and a degree from Oxford.

We assumed he is smart, intelligent and business savy (assign him the traits)
because we believe all those who studied at Havard (group) must be smart, intelligent.

Stereo typing ERROR !!! not the reality because this candidate's father is one of the top donor to Harvard and the candidate failed in almost all his subjects (you see , he always partial because in Harvard the faci/lecturer don't take attendance)

B) HORN EFFECT (as in horn in the red devil)

Based on one NEGATIVE trait, we assumed the person is overall not good enough/BAD.
ie we perceived the whole person, based on ONE trait.

eg :

A student came in the first day with a tatoo on his bicep(perceived as negative trait). The faci assumed he will not do well in the module.(judge his total person) and ignore him.

Psst : Don't tell the faci, the student moonlights as a tatoo artist assistant in Far East Plaza. His tatoo looks like real, actually is a stick on.

Note : having a tatoo is considered bad, relate to gangsterism (cultural influence).
However, note that in some society (eg Maori, Thailand ) - tatoo are used as protection.

C) HALO EFFECT (as in halo above a saint)
Based on one POSITIVE trait, we assumed the person is GOOD.
ie we perceived the whole person, based on ONE trait.

eg :

A student came in early for class at 7.45am. The kiasu faci came in at 7.50am, class starts at 8.30am.

The faci think this student will be a good student and will do well in UT.

Psst : Don't tell the faci, the student came early the first day, because her grandma drove her to RP, the grandma decided to leave early because both of them are clueless when it comes to directions and the car GPS is not working.


when the most RECENT information influence our judgement, even though we have a whole lot of other information on the candidate.

eg : we interview a candidate for over 2 hours. at the end of the interview, he said he almost won the Singapore Idol.

We assumed he is creative and a good singer.


Tendency to form a judgement/opinion quickly based on the first information we received. (Subsequently, we may received other information),but based our judgement on the first information.


We tend to favour/like or give favourable judgement to those who are similar to us.

Eg : two candidates came along for interview, one from RP and the other from TP. As we are from RP, we tend to favour the candidate from RP.


- tendency to attribute a judgement (usually negative) to the person (INTERNAL)  instead of his situation/external environment.(EXTERNAL)
- usually our judgement on OTHER people.

eg : (from worksheet).

we see a young man, lying by the road side in the morning.

we assumed he is lazy and a drunkard. (we judge/atrribute this (ie him sleeping by the roadside to him )

rather than

attribute to his environment - maybe recently he lost his business and was made a bankrupt.


- tendency to attribute favourable (positive) outcome to themselves and unfavourable (negative) outcome to external factor/environment/some one else.

- usually a judgement of oneself (NOT of other people).

Eg :

when we get an A for UT1 for OB module , we think it is us being hardworking, smart etc.
when we get an D for UT1 for maths module, we think it is due to the exam paper being difficult or the invigilator was noisy and distract us.

when our expectation (due to perception error, which can be wrong) causes others behave as we expect.

eg : as a teacher, we labelled a kid as stupid (because he has illegible handwriting).

Soon the kid believe you and behave like one.


1) You are expected to know the different type of perceptual errors.

2) Able to identify them and differentiate the different types (especially fundamental attribution error vs self serving bias) , recency vs primary.

3) Suggest a solution to avoid these errors.
